2025 Annual Meeting Voting Instructions
Owners, please vote your Annual Meeting proxy ballot online by going to https://eballot.app/fairlingtonvillages/login.cfm either on your computer at home or using your smartphone.
The Username and Password were mailed to you with your Annual Meeting Notice. As with last year, a third level of authentication (your unit number in the condominium) was added to enhance security. If you choose to use the paper proxy ballot to vote your selections in the 2025 Annual Meeting, you must place it in the postage prepaid return envelope included in your Annual Meeting Notice and mail/post-mark it no later than March 15th to ensure its timely arrival at its destination. You may mail your proxy ballot after that date, but you run the risk of it arriving too late to be entered. Proxy ballots cannot be accepted at the Management Office. If you have questions or need assistance voting your proxy online, please contact Management at (703) 379-1440. Thank you in advance for voting your proxy online to ensure that quorum (25% of the condominium present either in person or by proxy) is achieved!
Welcome to Fairlington Villages!
March Newsletter